Next Steps

KC Shooting: Resources for You

ONE: Talk with someone.

Click below to talk with someone ASAP.

TWO: Text 913-297-9707 for prayer

Text 913-297-9707 to pray with someone via text message

THREE: Our building is open from 6-8pm for reflection, prayer, and worship.

Please feel free to come and find a safe space to pray, reflect, or just sit to process what happened yesterday.

FOUR: Position yourself to listen to someone who’s impacted, love them, and pray for them.

Many kids and teenagers have been impacted by the shooting. Download the resource below to see how you can talk with a child or teen about what they may be experiencing. Please feel free to contact us if you need to connect a child or teenager with a counselor.

Grow in a Group

Our faith grows when we engage scripture and engage in community. We have some great opportunities for you to connect and grow with us!

Connect & Grow

Explore which of these four different groups will best help you grow in your faith


LifeGroups will kick off the week of February 18. We will have several options for you to choose. Groups will follow our Matthew Series. During each of the 6-7 weeks, groups will watch excerpts directly from the Gospel of Matthew and then discuss five questions together. This is a great opportunity to invite friends and family who may be curious about Jesus or Scripture. Want to lead a LifeGroup? Click here.

Rooted Discipleship Experience

Rooted is a discipleship journey where you will experience life transformation. This 10-week journey will lead you into seven disciplines that will grow your faith. Learn more and sign up here.

Grief Share (Care Group)

GriefShare is for those who are suffering and managing their pain from loss. Life gets complicated when we lose a loved one, a dream, an opportunity, or a relationship. The people in GriefShare want to come alongside you. GriefShare begins Jan 22. Sign up here.

Celebrate Recovery (Care Group)

Do you have a habit or a hangup in life that you just cannot overcome? Celebrate Recovery will give you the tools you need to live in the freedom God’s given you through Jesus Christ. This community is celebrating their lives of freedom together and want to come alongside you so your story can become a freedom story. Learn more here.

GroupLink is Jan 28 & Feb 4

We will have GroupLink on January 28 & February 4. Group leaders from all the groups above will be available at the end of each service to answer your questions and get you connected to their group.

For more questions about groups, contact Joe Klassen (

Big Give + Your Opportunity to Serve

Give now through Dec 3!

On December 3, we will have our Big Give during all of our services at Westside. However, if it is more convenient, you may give online now!

As our church family prays about what God will lead them to give, Westside has committed to give away the first $50,000 of this weekend’s offering away to organizations in Leavenworth County that are reaching the lost, caring for the least, or serving the last. We are committed to building an Unshakeable Faith and releasing God’s Unshakeable Love.

Don’t just give… Serve!
Wrapping God’s Family around those at their point of pain

We have opportunities where you can serve in our community.

Community of Hope Night Shelter: Serve a 3-hour shift at the night shelter.

Project Sunshine: Greet Richard Warren Intermediate students as they come to school.

Saturday Community Meals: Serve a meal and help defeat weekend hunger.

Westside Meet the Need: Receive emails when a family is in need of a meal. You can sign up to provide dinner.

Weather Update: One Service at 9:30am (Nov 26)

Due to anticipated inclement weather, we are adjusting our schedule for tomorrow, November 26, 2023. There will be a single service at 9:30 am, and we invite all ages in Kindergarten and above to join us in the main service. Classes will be available for children aged 6 weeks to PreK.

Your safety is our priority, so please carefully consider the conditions and make the best decision for you and your family.

If you choose to attend in person, please park in the south parking lot and exercise caution while walking. Alternatively, you can join us for Church Online, live at 9:30 am. Click the link below for access to notes, streaming resources, and materials for KiDS.

We look forward to being with you for the start of our new series, whether on-site or online. Stay safe!

Thank you for helping us spread this update. Copy an image below to your device and share it via social, text, or email.

Caring for Foster Families

Foster Care Panel

Are you interested in supporting kids in foster care, or want to but don’t know where to start? Join us as we interview a panel of foster care parents from our church family. You will hear their stories and discover ways to support foster families. This will also help those who are interested in becoming a foster family. 


Support Foster Families

Connect with the largest network of caring people to take action and meet the needs of local foster kids and foster families.


At the Movies Begins Sunday

Invite someone to At The Movies

Jesus told relevant stories to share kingdom truths. We will use million dollar stories to share timeless kingdom truths— so invite your friends and family to join you on site or online. Our services will not be available for an on demand replay. You can catch the restream of Sunday at 12:30, 5:00, and 8:00pm, Mon-Sat at


Get images to share your At the Movie Sunday experience and images to use to invite on Social Media.

 Host a Driveway Movie Night

Build relationships with your neighborhood and host a Driveway Movie Night. Reserve your Movie Night Kit below. Kits include a projector, sheet for a screen, speaker, cables, instructions and invites to pass out. You provide the playing source and any other food, drinks, or games.

Our Journey to now

Our journey to build an Unshakeable Faith and Release Gods Unshakeable Love has taught us this:

Spiritual maturity is having a healthy relationship with God, myself, and others.
(Becoming Emotionally Healthy)

Jesus told stories that are keys to the kingdom of God.
(The Storyteller: Gospel of Luke)

Waste the haste: learn Jesus' unforced rhythms of life.
(Waste the Haste)

We receive and we advance the Unshakeable Kingdom of God’s righteousness, peace, and joy.
(Unshakeable Kingdom)

 Unshakeable Prayer:

Father, may I stand in Christ’s righteousness. May that give me the strength and courage to live rightly and do what is just. Give me a peace because I trust that You are always with me no matter what I face and may I be a peacemaker. Give me a joy that comes from knowing that my identity is in Jesus and make my joy complete as I honor You in everything I think, say, and do

 Waste the Haste Challenge:  Breathe

Read and pray scripture daily.

Sabbath with the Body of Christ weekly.

Have a meaningful face-to-face conversation
with a friend or group of friends weekly.


New Series Begins Jan 2 + Women's Conference Early Bird Deadline

New Series Begins January 2: Burn the Ships

See why following Jesus means that we do not look back and discover what Jesus leads us to when we burn the ships in our lives. Share the invite below to invite someone to join you in person or watch with you online.

2022 Fearless Women's Conference 

Early Bird Deadline is Dec 31. Only $15.00!
Ladies, do not let fear stop you from joining a community of women who are learning how being perfectly loved leads to being FEARLESS. I don' t want you to miss out on being a part of this experience with other women focused on following Jesus. 

Go 22 with us in 2022! 

Join us in 22 days of fasting, prayer, and scripture beginning on January 3. Start this year in a bold way.

As you pray about what God may be asking you to fast, will you prayerfully consider going dark on social media by fasting Facebook, instagram, Snapchat, or Tictok for 22 days? I believe as we go dark on social media, God’s light will bring new life to our souls. You may consider fasting other things, like a meal, a food group, or a favorite beverage.

As you fast, I want to encourage you that fasting is just as much influenced by what you put into your life as it is influenced by what you give up. During this time we will be adding prayer. As you pray, I want to challenge you to pray a bold prayer with us as a church family: "Father, where are you at work in me and around me and how can I join you there?" We also have several Bible reading plans you can join in these 22 days to see God's truth transform you from the inside out. 

There has been a Psalm that has been transformational in me this past year.

"Fear the Lord, you his holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing.
The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing." 
Psalm 34:9-10

Did you catch that those who pursue God lack nothing and lack no good thing. When we pursue God, we get Him. When you have Jesus you have everything you need. We believe God will do something amazing in you and through you as we seek God through these 22 days. We are praying for God to do something great in us and through us in 2022 according to His power that is at work within us as we continue to be on mission together, loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus. 

Happy New Year!
Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor

Give to Westside before Dec 31 to get credit for 2021 contributions.
Sign up for our weekly bulletin to stay informed of what's coming.

The Fall is FOR Your Family

The Fall is FOR Your Family

Watch Sunday's Teaching

Did you miss Sunday’s teaching? If so, please go back an watch it. This message was for those who are losing their trust in scripture, have lost their trust in scripture, or know someone who has lost their faith because of something that was said in or about the Bible.

July 4th Sunday

In light of the holiday weekend and the number of leaders required to make Sunday amazing, we will not have KiDS and Student services on July 4th. We want to thank all our leaders who serve so faithfully throughout the year and we look forward to being with you all together in our services.

Lead a Single's or Couple's group

This fall, our groups will focus on helping singles build stronger relationships and helping couples build stronger marriages. These groups will kick-off in September with a series called, "No Days Off: Parenting for the Win." For those of you who would like to lead a singles group or a couples group in your home or business, sign up for a Group Leader's meeting on June 27 or July 18.

On Mission Together,
Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

Sign up for our weekly bulletin to be informed with what's coming.

KiDS & Teens Services Restart + ONE

Our KiDS & Teen Services restart the week of February 1.

We want to partner with you so your KiDS and Teens have a strong faith when they are older. So, make sure your teens are here on Wednesdays and that your whole family is here on Sundays.

Middle & High School Services: Feb 3 at 6:30pm

KiDS Services: Feb 7 at 9:30 and 11:00am.

ONE Begins on February 14

We believe the gospel is the power of God to save and transform all who know it and trust in it and we need to share it.

You can turn your home into a hub for discipleship in mission by participating in one or all of these ways:

1. Who's your one?
2. Join us in a 40 day Listening Plan at (Book of Mark).
3. Host or join your family and friends for a watch party to watch the Gospel of Mark over 6 weeks.
4. Gather with us every Sunday online or onsite.

An End of Year Message for You + New Year Opportunities

Don't say "good riddance" to 2020 without reflecting on how God's grace made you stronger through it. Because, God did get you through all the pain and trouble you may have faced. 

As we turn the page and move into 2021, we want to rally around you and your family. Here are some ways we want to equip you to turn your home into a hub for discipleship and mission.

Bible Reading Plans

Join Pastor Kasey in a One Year Bible reading plan or choose a plan that fits your needs. Regularly reading your Bible is a spiritual habit that can transform your life.

 Join the Alpha Marriage Course

We want to equip you to have a stronger marriage in 2021. Our Alpha Marriage Course will give you the biblical tools to build your faith so your marriage is stronger together. Sign up for this Zoom gathering that begins on January 7.

Host a One KC Watch Party

In February, we will begin a new series called "ONE KC" with 300 hundred churches in the Kansas City metro. Will you host a "Watch Party" as we watch the Gospel of Mark on video? You can invite your friends, family, and neighbors to join you in your home to watch this amazing video of the book of Mark over 6 weeks. We are praying that 3000 people come to know Jesus through this all city initiative and you can play a big part by hosting a watch party.

 On Mission Together

I am so grateful to be on mission together with you loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus. I can't wait to see how God changes you, your marriage, your family, and your neighborhood this year.

Happy New Year!

Kasey Robinson
Lead Pastor, Westside Leavenworth

A Post Election Encouragement

Don't let "what if" overwhelm "what is." 

Click the video below to watch. 

Worried about “What if?” then remember “What is true” about God.

Our current series is a great way to focus on Who God is when you get caught in a “what if” trail that leads to the land of worry.

Impacting Foster Families in Leavenworth & Atchison Counties

You can make an impact in a foster child’s life and help a foster family by taking a tag this Sunday and purchasing a $25.00 gift card. You can also purchase gift cards through us.

Become a Member and Join us On Mission

Are you interested in becoming a member of Westside and joining us on our mission of loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus or want to know about our vision, then sign up for MissionLink this Sunday on campus or on Zoom at 3:00pm.