Join us in for 22 days in 2022

We invite you to join us for 22 days of fasting and prayer for God to work in us and through us. God is always at work, the question is will we see where He is working and will we have the courage to join Him in His work.

BEGINNING JANUARY 3, we will begin fasting so we can become more like Jesus, praying so we can surrender to God’s work, and reading scripture so we can know God’s will.

As we journey through the series, Burn the Ships, we believe people will find fulfillment and freedom in the Gospel of Jesus.

Our BiG Prayer

We will praying this prayer daily:
”Father, where are you at work in me and around me?
How can I join You there?”

Our Bold Ask of You

Will you “GO DARK?”:

While many people may be led by the Holy Spirit to give up other things when they fast, will you prayerfully consider if God is leading you to go dark and give up social media for 22 days?

Social Media is playing havoc on the minds of people. While it can be a tool for good, it has had a toxic affect on many and is now a leading cause for depression, mental illness, and suicide.. We are praying that as people go dark on social media, God’s light will renew life in them, and His light will shine through them.

A Light as we Go Dark

We invite you to join us in a Bible reading plan to accompany your time of prayer and fasting.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Psalm 119:105

Join one of the variety of Bible reading plans with one of our staff leadership team.

As we are:
1) Giving up something to make room for God to work in us,
2) Praying for where God is at work within us and around us,
3) Reading scripture to know and surrender to God’s will
We believe God will do immeasurably more in us and through us as we continue to live on mission together.

What "Going Dark" could do for you

Will you consider fasting Social Media for 22 days? By fasting this stream of input, you will be removing the opportunity to compare yourself with others, reducing the voices that negatively speak to your identity, reducing the information that clouds your thinking, and giving yourself space to connect with God.

You don’t have to fast social media, you can fast anything that you depend upon to make room in your life for you to depend upon God and His truth. You can also consider fasting a meal, a food, a drink, or an activity.

Fasting is not as much what we give up as it is what we put in its place. (Isaiah 58:5-6).

Stay connected with us

We know that many people stay connected with Westside and what is going on in our church family through social media. If this is your primary source of being connected with us, we want to encourage you to do one or more of the following:

  1. Download our App and accept the push notifications for the ministries with which you are connected.

  2. Sign up for our weekly bulletin.

  3. Check in on our website regularly. Don’t miss our events page.

  4. Don’t miss a Sunday on site or online.


will you begin to pray a bold prayer for 22 days in 2022?

Father, where are you at work within me and around me? How can I join you there?

God wants to do a work within you. As you are fasting, you will be making room to listen and hear how God is working in you. Listen to His truth and allow God to change you from the inside out. Will you join Him in the work He is doing in your life?

God wants to do a work in those around you. He is always working, we don’t always see it. Praying will open your spiritual eyes to see in who’s life God may be working where you live, work, study, or play. Will you join Him in that work?

Fasting & Reading Scripture

Reading scripture while we fast is the best way to grow in your relationship with God. As we give up something we desire or depend upon and replace it with the truth of scripture, it becomes food for our souls.

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” Matthew 4:4 (NIV)

Bible Reading Plans

Click on one of the Bible Reading Plans below to join with us in reading scripture. We will begin on January 3, 2022. Download the Bible app to join in.

Nurturing Great Kids Reading Plan (21 Days)

Raising children brings incredible joy and fulfillment, as well as frustration, uncertainty, and stress. Fortunately, God gives us guidance on how to be godly parents. This 21-day reading plan helps you bring God and His Word into your parenting. Readings help you build a stronger relationship with your kids while putting God first in your family. Devotions are selected from the Once-a-Day: Nurturing Great Kids Devotional by Zondervan.

James, Faith Works (21 Days)

Join us as we journey through the book of James. James provides us with guidelines for living our lives as faith-filled followers of Christ. He emphasizes a faith that works Genuine faith should produce fruit of good works and mature faith means living what you say you believe. Discover how your faith can work.

Rooted in Jesus: Letters (31 Days)

These days sending and receiving letters is so rare, but when you receive a letter addressed to you it can be so exciting! The Bible is full of letters - letters from God to His beloved sons and daughters. Much of the New Testament may seem like ancient wisdom for the churches of yesterday, but those letters are for you. You are the church! All Scripture is God-breathed - therefore it is relevant today. Faith comes by hearing, so as you listen to the wisdom of the New Testament this month, allow God to write His Word in your heart. Receive each letter as if it was written just for you and continue to follow Him, submit to His ways, and get rooted in Jesus. Ask yourself, what do these letters reveal about who I am, who He is, and what I am created to do?

Before the Cross: 31 Days of Serving

As the Church, we are called to share the Gospel as we make disciples and serve one another. I would like to encourage you to spend the next 31 days serving others. Let this plan guide you day by day along with Scripture to show you different ways you can serve one another. While something like this is for 31 days, don’t let that stop you to continue serving afterwards. Consider it a resource to get you started somewhere, and as you read the Word and serve others, let the Holy Spirit will lead you and guide you to do that more and more each day.

Journey Through the Hymns (30 days)

Now more than ever, it is good to be reminded of the truths behind the hymns that we sing. In this 30-day Bible plan, The Worship Initiative wants to come alongside you, as you walk devotionally through your favorite hymns! This plan includes devotionals inspired by the ancient and modern hymns that you love. Download the worship songs as a companion on this journey!

The Ministry of the Holy Spirit (31 days)

Come and learn about the Holy Spirit! Discover the incredible work of the third person of the Godhead. You will grow in your knowledge of His person and His ministry as you meditate upon Him for this 31-day reading plan.

The One Year Bible (365 Days)

Experience the insights and joy gained from reading the entire Bible. You can do it in as little as 15 minutes a day with The One Year ® Bible, the world's most popular annual reading Bible. Daily readings from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs will guide you through God's Word in one year.