Baptism is our outward display
of our inward commitment.

Trusting Jesus for our salvation leads us to make Jesus Lord of our lives. Jesus demonstrated His power to be Lord by His resurrection, which Christians celebrate on Easter Sunday.

After the crucifixion of Jesus, Jesus was raised to life, demonstrating His power as Lord of all. Being Lord means that we seek His plan and purpose for us as our priority in everything we do.

Jesus was baptized in water,
so we are baptized in water.

As a Next Step, and perhaps, a first step, of obeying Jesus, we follow Jesus in being baptized in water. Jesus led the way in being baptized by John. Also, in His last words to His disciples, He instructed the disciples to baptize others as a first step of becoming a disciple.

Baptism doesn’t save us, Jesus does. We are saved when we receive the Holy Spirit by trusting (believing) in Jesus as our Savior and following Jesus as our Lord. The Holy Spirit gives us a new life (John 3:3) and we become a part of God’s family—His new humanity.

The act of baptism allows us to declare to the world that we are following Jesus. We identify with His death by going under the water and accepting Him as our Savior. We identify with His resurrection when we come up out of the water and symbolize, “He is Lord.”

Matthew 28:19-20

Luke 3:21-22

Acts 2:38-41

John 3:1-21