Child dedication is a special time where parents dedicate themselves, their child, and their parenting efforts to God. Why? We do this so that when your child is old enough to understand, they too can choose to follow Jesus. We encourage all parents dedicating their children to attend an informational class prior to the dedication.

The Child Dedication Class will help you prepare for this dedication service. We know it takes a tribe to raise a child. We want to join you in this high calling of raising your child in a way that it makes an eternal impact in their lives.

You will be equipped for the day of dedication and you will be introduced to resources available to help you in this most meaningful calling.

Foster parents are encouraged to take this next step. While your time may be short with your foster child(ren), it is very important.

2024 Child Dedication Days & Class Dates

April 14, 2024 (All Services)
March 24: Dedication Class (3:00pm Zoom Call)

November 11, 2024 (All Services)
October 27: Dedication Class (3:00pm Zoom Call)