About our church


After many years of prayer and many months of planning, Westside Family Church in Lenexa, KS sent Kasey and Cassie Robinson to plant Westside Family Church in Leavenworth on January 2016.

The original plan was to have the Grand Opening on Easter weekend in 2016. God, however, had a different plan. With over 400 in attendance at our first preview service, we decided to begin weekly services. The story of our community of people living on mission to make disciples began.

Since then, we have continued to make disciples who are loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus to do the same. Our relentless passion for Jesus, combined with a heart to wrap God’s family around your family is what drives what we do.

Our Identity Statement

We are God’s family on mission together loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus to raise up Christ-centered disciples by wrapping God’s family around your family.

We have four common behaviors that we all want to share as disciple-makers:

  1. We are loving Jesus by gathering together to love one another.

  2. We are becoming like Jesus by navigating scripture to follow Jesus together.

  3. We are sharing Jesus by praying with one another and

  4. We are sharing Jesus by being on mission together to BLESS.

Our Model of Leadership

We are a mission church of Westside Family Church, in Lenexa, KS. We are led by our local Pastoral Elder Team and staff. Westside Leavenworth is autonomous in our function and accountable in doctrine and mission. This means that we are self-supporting through the generosity of our local church family towards the vision to which God has called us.

Our Pastoral Elder Team is accountable to the Pastoral Elders of Westside Family Church, Lenexa, KS, to stay true to our mission, doctrine, and churchwide values.

Churchwide Values

Jesus - It’s all about Jesus, His gospel, and His mission for us to make disciples.

Unity - We are better together.

Faith - We are kingdom risk-takers.

Scripture - God’s Word guides our beliefs and actions.

Prayer - We don’t move without it.

Generosity - God is generous and so are we.

The Lost, the Last, and the Least - This is who we pursue.

Cultural Values

Relationships - We are building relationships in everything we do.

ACE Leadership - We are accepting, challenging, and encouraging one another.

Excellence - We are pursuing excellence by doing all things as if it were for Jesus.

Multiplication - We are reproducing at all levels.

Growing - We are growing in our character and capacity to lead.

Communication - We are communicating clearly. It’s not what we say as much as it is what people understand.