Happy Veteran's Day + Impact Opportunities + At the Movies!

Happy Veteran’s Day to all the men, women, and your families who have sacrificed for our freedom. Thank you!

Two ways to make an impact in our county:


Purchase a $25.00 gift card from Walmart and return it to us by November 22. Or purchase a gift card through us at the link below.

Thanksgiving Offering on November 29

Because of your regular generosity, we are able to give away the biggest offering of our year to community partners in our county. As you continue to regularly give, please be praying about how you can give above and beyond to support local organizations who are making a difference in our community.

“Wonder” Ends this Sunday

You don’t want to miss the ending to our series, “Wonder.” We look forward to seeing you here, or, if you need to stay safe at home, joining you for church @home.

At the Movies is Coming!

We start at the Movies on December 6. This is a great season to invite someone to join you for a service or to watch online. We will not re-broadcast these services or be able to make them available on demand. You will have to watch them live on campus or online at church @home.

Jesus often told modern stories to share a kingdom truth. We will be using popular Christmas stories to share Biblical truths. It’s a great time to invite someone to church!