Bethel Christian Outreach Ministries

Serving Masaka, Uganda

Three teen girls receiving sewing instructions (October 2020)

Three teen girls receiving sewing instructions (October 2020)

Training pregnant teenage girls.

Following the socio-economic and political challenges that affected the area, there was increasing number of orphan hood, unaccompanied children, and marginalized groups of women that suffered greatly due to socio-economic and political inequalities.

This manifested through increased domestic violence, early pregnancies among young girls, high school dropout rate and youth delinquency.

Westside recently gave $14,000 to Bethel to fund a Sewing initiative to train 200 pregnant teenage girls how to sew so they can provide for their family.

Kids church at new building (April 2020)

Kids church at new building (April 2020)

Food aide for the poor

Masaka District is one of the districts in Uganda, which has suffered the terror of bad governance, epidemics and total collapse of the service delivery system. This bad situation resulted in bringing down Masaka to her knees both socially and economically between 1971 and 1986. The former local administration structures were all destroyed and a few which remained, were dilapidated.

Westside regularly gives to Bethel to help support the food crises among the orphans in Uganda.

Pastor Gerald Mblaire and his wife, Sylvia. They have 5 children and have adopted 3 orphaned teenaged girls.

Pastor Gerald Mblaire and his wife, Sylvia. They have 5 children and have adopted 3 orphaned teenaged girls.

Gerald Mblaire & family

Bethel is small and growing church in Masaka, a city of 74,000 in southern Uganda. The church is led by Gerald Mbalire and his wife Sylivia. Together they have five children and have adopted three orphaned teenage girls.


How God brought us together…

Gerald Mblaire met Mr. Sanford Sheaks, of Westside, while both were living in the United Arab Emirates.  Gerald and Sanford were in Bible study together and began a lasting friendship.  Gerald’s vision in the UAE was to earn money to return to Uganda and build up his ministry there.  God had other things in mind and instead Gerald returned penniless to Uganda because of a massive downturn in the UAE economy. 

Hope Renewed

God has since used his people and Westside to do even greater things with Bethel Christian Outreach Ministries. 

Through the faithful and wise stewardship of funds, Gerald and Sylivia purchased land, erected a sanctuary building and constructed a children’s church building, a pit latrine, and an above-ground cistern. 

All this has occurred since 2018 through wonderful circumstances brought about by the benevolent hand of God.  During the COVID-19 pandemic, Gerald and Sylivia were able to provide food aid to the poor and continue to disciple the church through small group meetings and house to house ministry. 

Kingdom Movement

Bethel Christian Outreach trains new pastors every year to create disciple making movements that create churches.


Your faithful generosity
helps us continue our support


South Africa Church Planting

Through the generosity of Westside, we help support church planting in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. In 2019, 20 pastors were trained and released to start churches and bible studies in the villages of the Transkaii.

In 2020, more pastors were equipped and with the restrictions of COVID, the Good News of Jesus is spreading from house to house as these pastors are trained to disciple people without having a building or a large gathering.

The church is growing in South Africa and more people are living an expression of loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus and sharing Jesus.

Thank you for your generosity.