We receive updates from our global partners in Uganda. We are honored to be a part of what God is working in and through this ministry that is expanding God’s kingdom by reaching the lost, serving for the least, and caring for the lost.
We hope you are encouraged by their report below.
Bethel Report
We are grateful to God for the grace that has enabled us to serve.
We would like to give a brief update of some of the things the Lord has enabled us to accomplish in the last quarter of 2024.
Good news that Westside Family Church purchased for us a good new power generator to help provide with electricity since our electricity supply was very unreliable due to load-shedding. We are now able to have power supply at all times power is needed.
In this period in our evangelism campaigns, we were able to win 4 souls to Christ and they were added to our Church family for Discipleship. Discipleship classes continue to take place every Sunday for the youths, marrieds, single parents and Children. We are grateful to God that out of the Discipleship classes, we are able to raise great ministers.
We are glad to inform you that all preparations have been made for a new church plant in another village around 7 miles from our Church in February 2025. We have already commissioned a couple that will lead the new church plant (Aloysius and Winnie) They are happily married with 2 boys and they have been part of us for some years, they have the call of God upon their lives. Praying and trusting that this church plant will grow since this place is dominated by Muslims and witches. We have already rented the premises for the new church plant.
In partnership with Child Care, a children organization, we were able to hold a big Christmas party for our community and church Children, over 150 Children were in attendance. The Kids played skits about the birth of Jesus, recited scriptures, did a bible quiz, enjoyed a delicious meal and drinks, played different games, got Christmas gifts, our Children ministry is potentially growing and impacting the community.
In this quarter, we have been able to conduct water baptism to15 people who became members of our church family after conversion. Our Church family is growing and winning the community that was once Muslim dominated.
As always, December is our thanksgiving month, on Sunday of December 15th, we were able to invite some of our community members who are not believers, church members and different people gave testimonies of how God has helped them through our church. Some parents confessed that it is because of the church that their children are able to go to school, develop good Christian morals and also build social capacity. We had a good meal with all people. We had a wonderful time of praise and worship, preaching of the word and a good time of interaction for a full day. Glory to Jesus.
We were able to give out food packages to families for Christmas, grateful to God for the provision.
For the first time, we were able to have a night of prayer crossing over from 2024 to 2025 at our church premises, this took place on the night of December 31st. over 200 people were in attendance and 2 people gave their lives to Jesus. We lifted our voices to thank God for the old year and the New Year. We are alive to serve the Lord.
Coming up in January and February 2025
New Church plant in February
Bible school from 6th to 18th January
Thank you, Jesus!
Thank you, Westside Family Church!
Happy New year!
Gerald Mbalire
Team leader.