Jesus teaches us all life is precious. We are created in the image of God, therefore we all are important to God. God sees both the woman with child and the unformed child as made in His image and precious to Him.
Reconciling Racism (Counter Culture-Week 4-Teaching only)
Racism is a sin, when we see as Jesus sees, we love as Jesus loves. Where there is love, there is no racism.
Temple Talk (Counter Culture-Week 3-Teaching only)
When we submit to Christ as Lord, we become the temple of God. Being a temple of God is more than a building.
First Things First (Counter Culture-Week 2-Teaching only))
There are so many demands on our time and money. What are we to do in today's world with so many people wanting your time and money?
Counter Culture: Identities (Week One-Teaching Only)
We grow up thinking our identity is everything, but it's not. As Christians we have a different way of looking at identity.
No Days Off: Discipline Towards (Week 5-Teaching Only)
Discipline can bring up negative feelings. God's discipline can lead to a restored relationship with God and others.
No Days Off: Perfection Infection (week 4-Teaching only)
We all want everything to be perfect. God wants honesty over perfection.
No Days Off: The Target (Week 3-Teaching Only)
God sent Jesus to us so we can be with Jesus forever. We, as parents, are to parent our children so they will want to be with us even though they don't have to be with us.
No Days Off: Because you're Mine (Week 2-Teaching Only)
We are called to follow and walk in the way of Jesus Christ.
No Days Off: The Best Gift(Week One-Teaching Only)
Being a Christian is living a life centered on Christ. It is a gift given to us by God and a gift we give to others.
The Power Of An Invitation (Teaching Only)
All of us have had that one invitation that changed the path of our life. It is how we respond to the invitation that makes the difference.
Given For: Our Cities (Week 5-Teaching Only)
God is at work all the time in the world. We need to ask where we can join him in his work.
Given For: Discipleship (Week 4-Teaching only)
Everyone who calls upon Christ as Lord is given a specific way in which they are called to up lift the body of Christ and serve others.
Give For: The Church (Week 3-Teaching only)
God gives us gifts. We are to bring our gifts to the body of Christ.
Given For: Given For Jesus (Week 2-Teaching only)
Jesus gave himself so we can be forgiven. We are called to give up everything to be with and become like Jesus.
Given For (Week 1-Teaching Only)
All good stories have a good and evil side, as does each of our own stories. We have a way out of our bad situations.
RV's: Healing & Re-Creation (Week 3-Teaching Only)
All of mankind needs healing because of the brokenness of sin. But God gives us a pathway to find the healing that we need.
RV's: Sabbath (Week 2-Teaching Only)
In today's fast paced, ever changing world, it is hard to find time to slow down and rest. There is a plan to help us to slow down.
RV's: Created to Enjoy (Week One-Teaching Only)
God created us to enjoy his creation. We are, also, created to enjoy God.
Christian Patriot or Patriotic Christian
Being a Christian Patriot is disobedient. Being a Patriotic Christian aligns us with God.