The Bible is the most powerful tool we have. We need to learn how to use it.
Can I Trust the Bible?: Epic (Week 3-Teaching Only)
Our live story is part of God's bigger Story. Listen to how these two stories unfold together.
Can I Trust the Bible?: Why the Bible? And What is It? (week 2-Teaching only)
All around us people question what the Bible has to say. How do we find the truth in what the Bible says?
Can I Trust the Bible?: Why the Bible? And What is It?(Week 1-Teaching Only)
In studying the Bible, it can be confusing. Jesus helps with this confusion.
Put a Bit In It: Solve It! Don't Spread It(Week 4-Teaching only)
It won't hurt if I tell this one little story about the lady down the street. Or will it hurt her? Am I spreading gossip?
Put a Bit In It: Silos (Week 3-Teaching only)
Sometimes it is hard to tell the truth to those we love. We are called to always tell the truth, even when it is had to do.
Put a Bit In It: Bits, Rudders, & Sparks (Week 2-Teaching)
Have you ever faked it until you figured out what was going on? We can't do that with our words. We can't fake our words.
Put a Bit In It: Vitamin E(Week 1-Teaching only)
Our words have the power to build a person up or tear them down. Listen to how we are to harness our words.
Shadowlands: Joy in Grief (Week 4-Teaching)
We all have dark times in our lives. When we walk with Jesus, we can find joy.
Shadowlands: Grief Experienced (Week 3-Teaching only)
Our life stories can have continuing and differing types of extreme loss. We can choose to turn to and trust in God as He uses our stories to be apart of His story.
Shadowlands: Land of Lament (Week 2-Teaching only)
Shadowlands: Trusting God in the Midst of Turmoil (Week 1)
Life is full of loss. This loss leads us to grief. In the shadowlands of our grief, we can choose to turn to God or choose to turn to something or someone else. We experience a grace in our grief when we turn to our God, who is always good and never less than good.
OneKC: God and King (Week 8 Teaching only)
Jesus performed miracles all during his ministry. Listen to what Jesus' ultimate miracle is.
OneKC: Dare (Week 7 Teaching only)
We all love a good dare. Listen as Joe talks about being a daring follower of Jesus.
OneKC: Scorecard(Week 6 Teaching only)
We all like to keep score. But does our scorecard look like Jesus' scorecard?
OneKC: See (Week 5 Teaching only)
As Humans, we cannot full see God. Jesus came so we can fully see God. We can see others and our situations as God sees them.
OneKC: Chosen (Week 4 Teaching only)
We are chosen to be a part of God's family. Jesus calls us to be a part of that family.
OneKC: Burst (Week 3-Teaching only)
God wants us to be alive in His Kingdom. But are we trying to fit God into our lives instead of giving or lives to Him?
OneKC: Hope( Teaching Week 2)
Come with us as we continue our study in the Book of Mark. Listen as Kasey explains how the chasm between us and God is bridged.
OneKC: The Beginning of.....(Week One)
Join us as we discover who Jesus is, what it means for Him to be the Messiah and how He became King and proved He is the Son of God.