“The church is a gathering of people on Jesus’ mission to expand His kingdom by making disciples who are loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus.”

Be the church on mission:

Love Jesus by gathering together

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭18:20‬ ‭NIV‬‬

When you gather with one or more in your home, you are the church. Join us live online on Sundays and worship with us in song and through scripture.

It all begins with an invitation. Who will you invite?

Become like Jesus by engaging scripture together

We learn from scripture to know Jesus and follow Him. We become more like Jesus when we follow Jesus in community with other followers of a Jesus.

Share Jesus by praying with one another

Pray with those who are with you and let them pray for you. This is how we care, minister, and a way we serve one another.

Share Jesus by being on Mission to BLESS

When we are loving Jesus and becoming like Jesus, we are compelled to share Jesus’ love. Jesus came to be the blessing for humanity to restore humanity back to God. We can join Jesus by engaging in BLESS. Learn more here.

  • Beginning with prayer.
    “Father, in whose life are you at work around me? How can I join you there?

  • Listening to others.
    When someone shares their story with you, they invite you into their story.

  • Eating with others.
    Something powerful happens when we share a meal or connect with someone over a coffee or drink.

  • Serving others.
    When the Holy Spirit reveals how you can serve them in a way that is good for them, it can open a door to share the good news of Jesus.

  • Story.
    When we share our story about what Jesus has done for us with others, we share God’s story and His good news.