The Martian (At the Movies week 2)

TEACHING BIG IDEA: It takes work to trust God and endure the storms of life.

Obstacles are an inevitable part of life, something that every individual must face. Jesus himself told us that we will encounter troubles in this world. However, He also encouraged us to take heart and find comfort in the fact that He has overcome the world. This assurance provides us with a profound sense of hope and resilience. Despite the trials we may encounter while living in this world, it is crucial to maintain an eternal perspective. It is easy to become fixated on what we lack and make excuses for our struggles. However, when we turn our focus to Christ, we can discover our path and find guidance, for in Him lies our everlasting hope.

Knowing the glory and peace that await us in eternity offers us the patient endurance and strength needed to face whatever comes our way. As we embark on our individual journeys with courage, hope, and determination, we are continually reminded that, with God’s guidance, no obstacle is too great and no journey too daunting. His presence and support empower us to navigate life’s challenges with unwavering faith and trust in His divine plan.

Due to copyright, we cannot show this movie. We are live-streaming this at 10:00am, 6:30, & 8:00pm, from June 17 to June 22 at