Benny & Joon (At the Movies: week 4)

It has been said that without the tangible presence of care there cannot be the tangible presence of community and that a simple act of caring for others is simply heroic.

Scripture tells us to love one another. We are to show immense care for each other and if we call upon Christ as Lord we have been given the ultimate example of how to care for others.

We have been shown through how we are loved and how Christ has shown up in our lives how we are supposed to do that as well. The call of a caring shepherd is a call of provision, protection, and guidance.

This is how we are supposed to engage in all relationships with the ultimate goal of introducing others to the Good Shepherd, our Father God.

Due to copyright, we cannot show this movie. We are live-streaming this at 12:30, 5:00, & 8:00pm, from July 3 to July 8 at