A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (At the Movies week 3)

TEACHING BIG IDEA: I join Jesus by influencing broken people to accept God’s grace and find healing.

We can all struggle with purpose, mission, calling, etc. As Christ followers, God has given us a certain special responsibility in this life on earth. We are called to influence other people towards God.

Influence is a powerful tool that we all have the ability to use. How we use our influence truly matters when it comes to how we lead the people around us. Christians should influence people to follow Jesus. We can leverage the influence we have to point others to God by joining Jesus’ mission to reach the lost, the last, and the least and seeing the hurting people around us.

When we commit to joining Jesus on His mission to heal the broken and restore people back into relationship with God, we discover a deep purposeful life—one that recognizes and allows the power of the Holy Spirit to change people’s hearts and minds, restore broken families, heal physical and mental ailments, and bring forth new life in desert places. Our influence can be the nudge they need to return back to relationship with God, where life change can happen.

Due to copyright, we cannot show this movie. We are live-streaming this at 10:00am, 6:30, & 8:00pm, from June 17 to June 22 at https://online.westsideleavenworth.com.