Jesus made one last appeal to the religious elite the week He suffered and died. It was an appeal that offered life and one that warned of judgement for all who ignore or reject it.
The Lost Sons (The Storyteller-Luke: week 7)
A man had two sons.... Most of us are familiar with the story of the prodigal son. But what was Jesus’ purpose in telling this parable to the Pharisees and teachers of the law?
The Unjust Steward (The Storyteller-Luke: week 6)
Jesus wants His disciples to be just and righteous stewards of all they have been given. (Special Guest, Bishop Dr. Calvin Lewis from Sunflower Missionary Baptist Church)
The Rich Man & Lazarus (The Storyteller-Luke: week 5)
We encounter warnings everyday. We are exposed to so many warnings that we might become desensitized to even really valid warnings. Jesus issues a warning that we should slow down, listen to, consider, and heed. (Special Guest, Lance Coffman from Wallula Christian Church)
The Pharisee and the Tax Collector (The Storyteller-Luke: week 4)
Self-righteousness doesn’t wear well on people. It is like a people repellent. Sin doesn't wear well on people either. This story that Jesus tells is good news who all who humbly receive Him.
The Rich Fool (The Storyteller-Luke: week3)
Worry is in each of us. So is greed. They are often connected. The Kingdom of God is good news for those who are are worried, afraid, or caught in the trap of wanting more.
The Good Samaritan (The Storyteller-Luke: week 2)
Who is good enough for heaven? How do we get eternal life? Who is our neighbor? Those who have been loved much, love much.
The Kingdom of God (The Storyteller-Luke: week 1)
Jesus was a master at telling stories. His stories had a purpose: to give us an understanding of the good news of the kingdom of God. It is because of the resurrection of Jesus that we can trust the good news of God’s kingdom.