We become stuck in life, bound by learned behaviors that keep us from experiencing freedom and joy. Jesus is able to break the powers of our yesterdays and yesteryears when we come to Him.
Treasures in Grief (Becoming Emotionally Healthy: week 5)
Grief will come to each of us as we experience loss. It can be overwhelming to our grief so we supress it. What if there was a treasure buried in our grief?
Measure of Maturity (Becoming Emotionally Healthy: week 4)
We tend to measure spiritual maturity based on how much knowledge someone has. Jesus has one measure or mark of spiritual maturity, and it is His only benchmark to identify those who are a part of God’s family.
God-Given Limits (Becoming Emotionally Healthy: week 3)
We don’t like being limited. We are always pushing the limits. However, when we don’t embrace our God-given limits we suffer or we cause others to suffer.
Follow the Crucified Jesus (Becoming Emotionally Healthy: week 2)
Do you follow a person of Jesus made in your image? Or, do you follow the crucified Jesus who promises life?
Be Before Do (Becoming Emotionally Healthy: week 1)
When our priorities are disordered, our emotional health and our relationships suffer the consequences.
Great Joy: Christmas Eve 2022
Many people are exploring many solutions to be happy. Scripture shows us the one circumstance that outweighs the pain and brokenness of life and brings us great joy.
Joy: Inside Out (Advent at the Movies 2022)
We learn in Scripture that joy is not controlled by circumstances. Joy is given to us by Christ as we grow to become more and more like Jesus.
Love: Mr. Holland's Opus (Advent at the Movies-2022)
Love requires sacrifice. There is no way around it. Without sacrifice love is just words. Sacrifice is where love becomes a verb and is put into action.
Peace: Robin Hood (Advent at the Movies-2022)
People who pursue righteousness and justice are peacemakers. Because Jesus waged peace for us, we are to do what is right and just and make peace with others.
Hope: Angels in the Outfield (Advent at the Movies 2023)
To lose hope is to lose heart. If we can pray, we can still hope. Faith is trusting in who God is and hoping in what He can do. We can share hope by praying with one another.
Generosity (Unshakeable: week 6)
We become like what we are committed to. We are committed to Jesus so we are becoming like Jesus and reflect who God is. The new kingdom family of God is the temple who represents God’s radical generosity and grace.
visit https://unshakeable.faith to learn more
Reach (Unshakeable: week 5)
The church is not supposed to make it difficult for people who are far from God to find God. The Holy Spirit empowers and guides us to expand God's kingdom by making disciples who are loving Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and sharing Jesus.
Surrender (Unshakeable: week 4)
To be controlled means we don't have control. Many people don't want God to have control because that means they have lost control. In order to have an unshakeable faith, we must fully surrender to Jesus as Lord.
Download the Unshakeable guide at http://unshakeable.faith/resources
Boldness (Unshakeable: week 3)
When we place our trust in Jesus, God lives within us through His Spirit and He gives us an unshakeable boldness to pursue His purpose.
Access the Unshakeable guide and more at https://unshakeable.faith.
Community (Unshakeable: week 2)
An unshakeable community is devoted to Jesus' church and Jesus' mission because they are devoted to Jesus.
Access the Unshakeable guide and more at https://unshakeable.faith.
Mission (Unshakeable: week 1)
Is your life being shaken? God will use times of shaking to anchor our faith in Jesus. The more our trust and reliance is on Jesus, the more unshakeable our faith will be. In Christ, we are unshakeable!
Access the Unshakeable Guide and more at http://unshakeable.faith.
Generosity (Entitletude: week 4)
We control what we believe we are entitled to have. If we are entitled to it, we won't be generous with it. Watch to see how Jesus addresses a woman's generosity and it confronts an entitled attitude.
Gratitude (Entitletude: week 3)
If you feel entitled to it, you won't be grateful for it, and you will take it for granted.
The Hard Way (Entitletude: week 2)
Does having rights make something right? Learn how we can cure the attitude of entitlement by following Jesus.