November 2017: Fostering Generosity

We are fostering a culture of sacrificial, irrational, and radical generosity.

Our generosity is a measure of our gratitude.  

The more grateful we are, the more generous we are.

Big Idea:
The more grateful I am for what Jesus has done for me, the more generous I will be.

Take your next step in fostering generosity:

1) Decide in you heart how generous you will be.
2) Give willingly and not under pressure.
3) Give cheerfully.

2 Corinthians 9

October 2017: Communicating Clearly

Communicating Clearly

"What we do" and "how we do it" makes a collective impact in the most important movement and cause on this planet, the Local Church.

"How we do it" influences the effectiveness of "what we do."

Communication is the most important skill in a leaders life.

Big Idea:
Communication is not just what we say. It is what is understood.

Four things we need to communicate in a way people understand:

1) Communicate the person's value.
2) Communicate why.
3) Communicate expectations.
4) Communicate the win.

September 2017: Building Relationships in Everything We Do

We are building relationships in everything we do because discipleship happens on the rails of relationships.

What we do is only as important as "who" we do it "with" and "who" we do it "for."

We build relationships by building trust with others.

Three ways to build relationships in everything you do.

1) Remember their name.
2) Ask, "How are you really doing?"
3) Ask, "How can I pray for you?"