Jan 2 to Jan 22


Giving up something you depend on,
other than Jesus,
to fulfill or sustain you.

Fasting is giving up something to depend upon God more. Make some time to pray about what God may ask you to give up to depend more upon Him.

Fasting Food

God may lead you to fast a meal a day, all food for one day a week, or several meals a week. Other ways God may lead you is to fast a favorite drink, sugar, or meat.

Please be wise and talk with your primary care doctor if fasting more than one day or if you have medical conditions that would be compromised by fasting.

Fasting other items

God may lead you to fast in one of these ways:

  • Social media

  • Online gaming

  • An activity you regularly do

Key to fasting

Fasting is not as much about what you give up as much as what you put in its place. When we give up something we depend upon, we must replace it with something that engages our trust in God and centers our hearts on Jesus. See also Isaiah 58:6-14.

The best three things to do while actively fasting a meal or activity is replacing that meal or activity by praying, reading scripture, or serving.

Learn more:


"Father, may I become a disciple who makes disciples.”

Prayer is our direct line with God. It’s a way He communicates with us and how we communicate with Him.

This year, we are praying together as a church family that God will equip each of us to be a disciple who makes disciples. Becoming a disciple-maker is God’s will for every believer (see Matthew 28:19).

When we pray God’s will, He hears us and answers our prayers (see 1 John 5:14-15).


Our faith only grows to the extent that we know Jesus and His truth.

Faith comes by hearing the message of Christ (see Romans 10:17).

Reading scripture helps us know the gospel which is the power of God at work in our lives (see Romans 1:16).

Join us in a Bible reading plan.

If you’ve never read the Bible or have had a hard time understanding the Bible, join us in reading The Story. The Story is a chronological bible that reads like a novel. It is simple, accessible, and engaging. Your faith will come alive as you understand the story God is writing.


He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8

We have many ways for you to serve in our church family and in our cities.