Please exercise caution when attending in person.

If you feel ill and/or are uncertain of whether or not you should come,
we invite you to attend
Church @home.

Re-opening FAQ’s

Are masks required?

The City of Leavenworth allowed the mask mandate to expire as of March 31, 2021. We want everyone to make the safest decisions for themselves and others. We encourage all who attend our services to wear a mask if they would like.

Our leaders who serve will continue to wear a mask through Sunday, April 11 while we continue to monitor the situation.

Can I come if I am waiting for my COVID-19 test results to come back?

Not until your test results come back negative. We ask that you attend church online if you are waiting for test results to come back.

If your tests come back positive for COVID-19, we would love to pray for you and support you as you recover. Please visit

What extra precautions is the church taking?

We have a thorough cleaning plan to prepare our building and clean high-touch areas prior to your arrival.

Our seating will look different to incorporate added space. A section host will be available to help you find a spot that works best for you. 

Will there be KiDS and Student services?


KiDS classes are available at 8:15, 9:30 and 11:00am

Student Ministry Services

  • Middle School students meet Sundays (beginning April 11) at 9:30am in theLOFT.

  • High School students meet Wednesdays from 6:30pm - 8:00pm in theLOFT.

  • Contact Caleb Klinger @ for more info.

Please do not bring your KiDS if they have any of these symptoms: severe runny nose, fresh cold (four days or less), fever, undiagnosed rash, persistent cough, diarrhea or any other signs of illness.

Can my child(ren) attend adult services with me?

What if my child needs a break/starts crying during service?

We are excited to have your KiDS with us in the Community Room.

Feel free to bring snacks or quiet activities for them to do during the service. We have designated classrooms for families in our Early Childhood area, should your family need a quiet place to go during the service. You will still be able to enjoy the service on the TV in the classroom. We encourage one family per room to ensure your safety.

How can I give my offering?

For contactless offering, you can give online through our app. If you would like to give in person, there are two offering boxes, located by each set of doors in the Community Room. The offering baskets will not be passed.

Will you be serving water, coffee, and tea? 

Coffee and bottled water will be available.

Will bulletins be passed out? 

We are delivering the weekly bulletin to your email. Make sure we have your current email address and that you are signed up for our weekly bulletin (button below).

A printed copy of the notes will be available. Please ask a First Impressions Host for notes, should you prefer a paper copy, rather than using your app. 

What if I don’t feel comfortable returning to the building right now? 

You can enjoy Church @home through our livestream.

Please let us know if you will be staying home during this season. We want to make sure you stay connected and cared for. We can’t wait until we can see you again.

What will happen if someone who attends a service is later diagnosed with COVID-19?

Our church COVID-19 Leadership Team has a thorough cleaning plan in place to clean the church building each week. We hope that through social distancing, the wearing of masks and cleaning procedures the risk of transporting the Coronavirus will be minimized.