Power Over the Spiritual Realm (Power: Gospel of Mark week 4)
Jesus totally and completely transforms!
Power of Mission (Power: Gospel of Mark week 3)
I am called to be Jesus’ disciple empowered by the Holy Spirit to carry out God’s mission.
The Power of Hope (Power: Gospel of Mark week 1)
I experience the power of God when I put my hope in the gospel of who Jesus is and what He has done.
Deliverance (The Story Part 1: Week 4)
God reveals His name, His character, His power, and His sovereign plan to deliver all people through a Passover lamb.
Joseph: From Slave to Deputy Pharaoh (The Story Part 1: Week 3)
God is good. I can trust that He is with me and is working to fulfill His purpose.
God Builds a Nation (The Story week 2)
God is the reward for those who trust in who He is and obey His word.